Sameer Khan

Hydra Power Pty

June 2016

Market Ready


Hydra Power Pty Ltd
Who does this innovation help?

Middle to high income residential properties, commercial and industrial buildings.

About the Innovator

Sameer grew up in a small suburb of Reservoir Hills, and has always been keen on solving problems facing his communities and country. Sameer decided to take the leap of faith and start his own company, deciding to risk the unusual in order to not settle for the ordinary.After noticing a problem impacting our country Sameer decided to try and do something about it. It has taken him 5 years to get to the point of commercialisation and to help alleviate the symptoms of the water and electricity issues.As a kid growing up his passions changed with time however, the one passion that stayed with him was the ability to problem solve, he has noticed that he could conform to his environment and pick up a problem or method to improve and follow suit.Sameer noted that he usually focuses on the solution and not on the problem and this has led him to travel the world and to get recognition.

How the Innovation Works

The Hydra Power systems aims to help alleviate the symptoms of load shedding and water scarcity, usimg the water lost by buildings to re-use this water and generate electricity.

Innovation picture

An interview with the Innovator


What problem/s are you trying to address with your innovation?

Hydra Power aims to help alleviate the symptoms of load shedding and water scarcity. We have noticed that buildings lose water and we have decided to reuse this water and generate electricity from this loss.


What has been the toughest challenge/s to overcome in your innovation journey?

Funding has been a key barrier to entry as it limited the movement of Hydra Power.Market entry - The market Hydra Power is currently in is a very monopolized market.


Where do you see yourself and your innovation in 5 years’ time?

Trust. Meeting the right people. Many individuals that have taken interest wanted something in return. Their returns were not always honest.


What has been the biggest lesson so far?

Hydra Power aims to become an established entity in South Africa and to start entering the global market in the next 5 years.

Advice from the Innovator

It starts with you. For things to change, you have to change. Success is nothing more than a few simple disciplines, practiced every day.

About the Supporting Organisations Involved and Approach to Galvanising Support

Support and assistance has been given by both Innovate Durban and the Durban University of Technology. Innovate Durban has supported specifically with access to seed funding, prototype development support and mentorship DUT has support in acess to funding and market.

Innovate Durban has assisted me with multiple aspects namely: Access to funding; Prototype development; Mentorship

Assisted with legal funding and market exposure.